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What’s That Smell? It Could be Your Dentures

June 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — englewoodflorida @ 11:33 pm
Patient holding their nose at the smell of dentures

For many people who wear dentures, they serve as a way to restore their quality of life and confidence. So, when their prosthetics start to smell, it can be both embarrassing and uncomfortable. But what could be causing the odor? Read on to learn why your dentures might smell bad and how to keep them fresh.

Food Particles and Plaque

Just like natural teeth, dentures can accumulate food particles and plaque. If not cleaned properly, this bacterial film can cling to the crevices of your prosthetics and cause a foul smell. Plaque buildup on dentures can also lead to bacterial growth, which contributes to bad breath.

Gum Disease or Infection

Dentures provide an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi to thrive, especially if they are not cleaned regularly. Over time, these pesky oral invaders can cause infections, such as gum disease or candidiasis (oral thrush). Both of these issues can cause unpleasant smells that stick around, even after brushing.

Dry Mouth

Saliva normally washes away food particles and bacteria from your mouth. However, wearing your dentures for long periods of time can stifle the salivary glands’ production, causing dry mouth. With little to no saliva to help cleanse your dentures, it can lead to bad breath and odor problems. 

Smoking and Poor Diet

Smoking and certain foods can also contribute to denture odor. Tobacco, coffee, garlic, and onions, for example, can leave a lasting smell on your dentures long after you’ve taken them out.

How Can I Keep My Dentures Fresh?

Excellent care and maintenance will ensure that your smile stays fresh and healthy. Here are the best ways to keep your dentures clean:

  • Brush every surface of your prosthetics with a mild antibacterial soap twice per day.
  • Use normal toothpaste to brush any remaining teeth, as well as your gums, cheeks, and tongue.
  • Take your dentures out before bed and soak them in a glass of denture cleaner to break up stuck-on food particles and kill bacteria.
  • See your dentist regularly for checkups and adjustments. They can help keep your dentures fitting well and check on any oral health problems that may be causing your mouth odors.

Keeping your dentures clean and well-cared for is the key to preventing a smelly smile. By following these tips and practicing good oral hygiene, you can enjoy fresh breath and restore your confidence!

About the Practice

Everyone wants a cleaner, fresher smile and at Davis, Boeller, & Rife Dental, they have the skills to help you achieve that goal. Whether you need a simple checkup and cleaning, or a denture reline or replacement, they strive for excellence in care and quality using the latest dental techniques and technology. Call (941) 474-6466 to schedule a denture consultation or visit the website to explore all the other treatments and services they provide.

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