Dentists will tell you that when you go a long time with missing teeth, your biology does something truly strange. In short, a missing tooth reduces the mass of your jawbone. This is true, and it’s also true that lacking jawbone material limits your options when you do visit the dentist for replacement teeth. However, dentures don’t have to be taken off the table. Keep reading to find out why you might still be able to receive this prosthetic solution.
My Body Does What After Losing a Tooth?
When you lose one or more teeth, your body knows. Once it stops receiving signals from your missing tooth, your highly efficient biology will determine that the bones in that particular area are no longer needed. Essentially, your jawbone recedes because chemicals and nutrients are sent elsewhere.
This fascinating process is gradual, though you might still be worried if some time has passed since you’ve lost your teeth. You might have even already been told that the bone you need to keep teeth in place is diminishing.
Am I Eligible for Dentures?
A reabsorbed jawbone makes placing prosthetic teeth trickier, but not impossible. Depending on the state of your deterioration, you could receive a couple of different denture treatments, including:
- Full Dentures. Typically used to replace an entire row of teeth, full dentures rely on suction to stay on your gums. This means they do require a firm hold on your jawbone, but if your deterioration is mild, your dentist might still be able to offer this option.
- Partial Dentures. These dentures rely less on your jaw and more on neighboring teeth. If you’re only missing a few teeth, they could be a viable solution for your gaps.
- Mini Implant Dentures. Normally, dental implants also require bone mass. Dental implants are durable posts that are anchored to your jawbone, essentially acting as a root replacement for your dentures. However, mini implants are shorter than normal implants, making them ideal for patients with bone loss.
- All-On-4. As the name suggests, only four implant posts are anchored to your jaw for this treatment. If key points of your jaw still contain enough material, you should be able to support dentures with this method.
All of that is to say that there are many different ways to compensate for a reduced jawbone. Some dentists can even use bone grafting to restore your jaw, so patients with significant deterioration shouldn’t dismiss the possibility of a complete smile!
Ultimately, your dentist is going to be the best judge of which tooth replacement solutions will work for your unique situation. Schedule a consultation so they can recommend an individualized treatment plan that you can be happy about!
About the Practice
Our team of highly qualified dentists at Davis, Boeller, & Rife Dental have a wealth of experience. Their special interest in dental implants and cosmetics means that you’ll be in good hands during your consultation and treatment. To find out more about our services, visit our website, or call the office at 941-474-6466. We’d be happy to address your concerns!