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Spacey Smiles: Closing the Gaps with Cosmetic Dental Bonding

February 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — englewoodflorida @ 6:16 pm
Dentist curing dental bonding into place

If you’re frustrated about gaps in your smile, you’re not alone. Many patients feel self-conscious about spaces between their teeth that are wider than usual. Fortunately, your dentist has solutions that can help. For instance, dental bonding is a great way to enhance your appearance by reshaping your pearly whites. If you’re interested in this non-invasive treatment, keep reading to learn more about it!

What is Dental Bonding?

For this procedure, your dentist will apply a small amount of putty-like composite resin to your teeth. Then, they’ll sculpt it into the perfect shape before hardening it with a special curing light. Because the material is color-matched to your natural pearly whites, no one will know that you had any work done. Your dentist can use this technique to address several aesthetic issues like chipped, cracked, stained, slightly overcrowded, and gapped grins. It’s a popular alternative to having the appearance of impeccably even teeth without the need for orthodontics.

This is a highly convenient option that usually only requires 30-60 minutes per tooth and can often be completed in a single appointment. Although your dentist may etch the surface of your tooth to create a stronger bond, there’s no need to remove any enamel. It’s a safe and cost-effective treatment that produces long-lasting results.

When Is Dental Bonding Best for Gaps?

One consideration to keep in mind is that dental bonding is better at closing some spaces than others. For example, it is easier to close gaps in the front of your upper arch because those teeth are larger and have more surface area to work with. Plus, they’re easier for your dentist to reach to make the necessary changes.

Also, remember that although this method is incredibly versatile, it may not be right for everyone. If the gaps between your teeth are excessively wide, for example, then your dentist might recommend other solutions or refer you to an orthodontist. Furthermore, dental bonding isn’t ideal for more severe situations that involve bite misalignments. It’s intended to address minor issues that impact the way you look.

Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Bonding?

Almost anyone can consider dental bonding to mend minor aesthetic flaws. Before proceeding with any cosmetic treatment, however, your dentist will examine your mouth to ensure there are signs of gum disease or cavities. If they find anything problematic, they’ll work with you to repair the issue before proceeding with dental bonding. This ensures that your smile stays as healthy as it is beautiful.

If you’re interested in simply and effectively removing the gaps in your teeth, call your dentist today to ask about dental bonding!

About the Practice

At Davis, Boeller, & Rife Dental, patients of all ages benefit from a team of experts who provide a full range of dental services under one roof, including cosmetic dental bonding. They take the time to get to know your unique dental goals and needs so that they can provide individualized solutions to help you achieve them. Using state-of-the-art technology onsite, they offer only the most up-to-date options for accurate, natural-looking results. If you’d like to remove gaps from your grin, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (941) 474-6466.